Retards – abusing welfare

We can complain about the ghetto abusing welfare. Or we can sit here and whine about illegal aliens abusing welfare. Nobody is talking about the most serious abusers of welfare. That group is known as retards. Or whatever politically correct name they go by these days. What are they called, by the way? Down Syndrome? Mentally challenged? Short bus riders?

(Welfare abuser throwing up the hippy/left-wing peace sign)


The term for these losers isn’t important. The fact is, these losers are abusing welfare. We, the tax payers are housing and feeding these lazy punks. Sadly, there are tons of liberal groups that speak out for these ungodly people. Has America gone mad?


When I was growing up, you worked or you didn’t eat. Your IQ could have been 37, but you still held a job. Now you can crap your pants, watch cartoons all day and collect a check. Is this the America our forefathers founded? I don’t recall Thomas Jefferson saying “I want to see a nation filled with down syndrome retards crapping their pants while watching South Park all day.”

(This retard has a handicap sticker for parking, stealing a spot from one of our vets)


Not only do these rejects collect welfare, they get special privileges. They get special made short buses. Shouldn’t this tax money be spent on children willing to learn? What are the Special Olympics? Let me get this correct —— these retards can’t work, pretend not to understand basic things, but can run, play basketball and swim? And they all get medals. Yes, let’s teach the lazy and the worthless that they are “winners” too.


My fellow Americans, don’t blame minorities for welfare abuse. Blame retards. When you see a short bus, don’t think “I feel sorry for those kids.” Instead, think “those lazy welfare abusers.” I hope you are as outrage as I am about these welfare abusers. Take away their special privileges. Boycott the Special Olympics. Knock down handicap signs. Send a message that you are against welfare abusers!